Adam Hicks
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April 10, 2017
Budget Round #1
The Government budget announced on March 22, 2017 has left many challenges for our school division. Not only were the funding cuts deep, they added to the funding model distribution that was completed in January, 2017. These two cuts in addition to a projected increase of 575 additional students this year and three new schools opening, this has resulted in the Regina Public School Board looking for $9,500,000.
This is no small amount of money and put into equivalent terms, this amount represents the entire 2015/16 transportation budget; or it could represent approximately 111 teachers taken out of the classrooms. As the Board moves forward with deliberations, I do know that a focus is ensuring resources are in front of our students to the best of our abilities.
The first announcements were presented in the April 4th, 2017 Board Meeting and represented just over $3.1 million of the total $9.5 million deficit. The three cuts identified were all tough decisions but none harder than the Early Years Programming:
Early Years Programming - $1.3 million saved - The phase-out of the Discovery Preschool (intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder and/or a physical disability), Communication Preschool (Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Apraxia or Apraxia-like symptoms) and SCEP Centre (severe to profound trauma/neglect) funding were approved. It is worth noting that recently in the news the Minister of Education has been making headlines and I am sure I will have another update soon for you. It is also worth noting that the Regina Public School Board operates 41 prekindergarten programs at 24 schools that are funded by the Ministry of Education. These three that are being phased out to save $1.3 million were never and as of to day, are still not funded by the Ministry. Due to these hard times, this has made it a very difficult decision. Some of these children will be able to join the currently funded pre-k programs in our Division, others potentially can reach out other resources such as Child & Youth, Wascana Rehab and the children's program or ECIP (Early Childhood Intervention Program) but even with these, I know that what the School Division has offered can have positive social and development impacts that last and flourish over that child's entire life. I am providing this as information so there can be an understanding and background of the decisions made.
Full Day Kindergarten - $450 thousand savings- This option comes down to bussing. Currently with half day kindergarten, the morning children are bussed home at lunch time and then the afternoon kids are brought in before 1pm. So for everyday of kindergarten, the transportation is utilized four times. Moving to a full day, the transportation is only needed twice per day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. Their is no change to teacher or student time in the classrooms.
Transportation Zones - $1.35 million saved - Currently transportation is calculated by the street route (so basically using Google maps). They start the distance from the school and follow the road till they get to your house. If you are over the distance, your children will receive bussing. The way the Ministry of Education is funding this and the way we have changed our model (to match funding), is that the distance of 1.0km is drawn 'as the crow flies' from the school. So that mean, if you put a mark on the school and draw a straight line to your home ignoring the streets and obstructions, that is the new distance. If you outside the circle, your children receive bussing. Rearranging these transportation zones resulted in approximately 1,100 students that currently receive transportation will no longer be eligible.
That is the summary of the $3 million announced of the $9.5 million of budget shortfalls.
Other worries now are the additional 3% wage cuts that are expected that will be discussed in the upcoming months. In addition, there are a lot of concerns over legislation changes that provide the Minister of Education substantial power over all 28 School Boards in Saskatchewan. I will provide more updates as I can but for now, click the link to see a short video on the current budget impacts.
January 21, 2017
Trustee Update - 3 Months in
As your subdivision 3 trustee, I have been working hard for our community. I have actively participated in 45 meetings/events since being elected three months ago. I will continue to work hard for you. I promise to never lose focus of why trustees exist - to ensure our school division supports and grows all our children to reach their full potential.
Two important events:
1. Transformational Change – By end of Monday, Jan 23rd, the government is looking for your input. Members of the public are encouraged to continue adding their voice to the critically important discussion. Please take a look at the report and submit your comments. http://www.saskatchewan.ca/…/dece…/21/k12-governance-options
2. Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Please join us at the AGM on January 31st at 7:00pm. It is being held at the division office at 1600 4th Avenue.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all. I am always willing to listen.
November 08, 2016
All Current News is on Facebook
I have all current news and updates being posted on Facebook. This website takes a lot of time to maintain and I would like to spend that time helping our School Division do its best to support our children.
Please join the conversation at www.Facebook.com/AdamHicksRegina
October 27, 2016
Thank you Regina!
I am overwhelmed with joy to know that I will represent our children!
I have been elected as your School Board Trustee on the Regina Public School Board for Subdivision 3; presently I represent Sheldon-Williams Collegiate, Davin Elementary, Argyle Elementary, Lakeview Elementary, Ethel Milliken Elementary and Dr. A.E. Perry Elementary. Upon opening, I will also represent École Connaught Community School and École Harbour Landing School. For the next four years, I represent the public and I am the community’s advocate for public education. I am required to carry out responsibilities in a manner that assists the board in fulfilling its duties under the Education Act.
My role is to maintain a focus on student achievement and well-being and to participate in making decisions that benefit the Regina School Board while representing the interests of constituents of Subdivision 3. I must also communicate the views and decisions of the board back to the constituents.
I am a member of a team - only the team (the Board), not individual trustee’s have the authority to make decisions or take action.
I am a community leader - I have a responsibility to all the residents in this subdivision - not just families and caregivers with school-aged children. I will work with school board colleagues and other community partners to ensure students in Regina have equal opportunities to reach their maximum potential.
I am responsible for establishing policy directions - policies set out the expectations about what should happen and how services are provided. Board members ensure that the director of education carries out responsibilities for implementing policies.
I am responsible to the public - as an elected official, I must balance the demands of the communities with the duties of the Ministry of Education. I am required to consult with parents, students and supporters of the board on the board’s multi-year plan and bring concerns of these groups to the attention of the board. This can be challenging and takes dedicated leadership along with a willingness to seek innovative ideas and the courage to implement them.
As a trustee, I will demonstrate my leadership in the following key areas while working with the other six board members and the school administration:
Establish a vision that ensures a strong public education system
Promoting accountability throughout the school board
Setting goals for student achievement
Opening communications between the board and the public
Allocate resources to ensure equal opportunity in every school
Establishing a respectful, caring and professional environment throughout the school board
Promoting continuous improvement
Undertaking assessment to measure progress
Promoting community involvement
I welcome all input and encourage you to be in touch if you have any concerns about the public schools. I look forward to representing you for the next 4 years.
October 19, 2016
Advanced Polls - October 19th to 22nd
Exercise your right to Vote!
Anyone can take advantage of Advance Polls in locations throughout Regina. They are open today, October 19 until Saturday October 22.
If you have any last minute questions for me before you cast your vote, please let me know. Vote Adam Hicks for Public School Board.
For councilor, please consider Sam Khan. I respect Sam's belief that talk is not enough when action is required. I found we both have a passion to serve our community.
October 16, 2016
Education Week
This week is Education Week (October 17th - 21st). It’s a week that provides us with an opportunity to highlight the important role education plays in shaping the future of all of our students. What is your child’s school doing to celebrate education this week?
October 15, 2016
Access 7 show Curious Mind will feature Adam Hicks
Today I was a guest and filmed a show on making an informed decision this election. The show will air Tuesday, November 1st at 8pm (original air date was for October 18th but due to election fairness was moved to after the Civic Election). After the show airs, you can watch it On Demand.
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